Thursday, February 9, 2012

I wish my nainai* could knit me a cat sweater

Or my wei-po**
Happy sweater day.  I mean I don't live in Canada but it's still sweater day (I'm wearing one of my mom's old hand-knitted sweaters***)
This one's the closest I guess, once you get over the fact that none of my grandmothers speak Cantonese.
*my paternal grandmother
**my maternal grandmother
***p.s. none of my grandmothers ever knitted me a sweater**** D:
****can my grandmothers even knit?
*****p.p.s. yeah sorry for not updating in a month...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Making up for Lost time

Accumulated outfits in chronological order.  Yes, I am trying to be succinct.  No, I do not sound like a rude robot.

 jacket- thrifted; shirt- H&M; pants- UO/Free Market; boots- flea market; skull bracelet- street fair; flower bracelet- "antique" shop
In case you were wondering: yes, "being more organized/clean" is one of my 2012 resolutions. I think I was inspired by the whole "male rebel with feminine, bubble-gum poppy detail" vibe emulated in that editorial I posted up.  Too bad you can't see my shoes. They're simply fabulous! Maybe another time darling.
P.S. There is a huge chunk of mess that isn't mine.  We had guests over. So...ha?

dress- thrifted/farmer's market "garage sale"; skirt- homemade/mom-made; jacket- thrifted; tights- H&M; shoes- flea market;  skull bracelet- street fair; flower bracelet and wizard necklace- "antique" shop; scarf- China
Things I remember from that day: a girl told me I looked like I came out an issue of Fruits while I was waiting for a meeting with my advisor, my advisor did not help me at all with my next semester schedule, and I pet a corgi.  Wait...maybe the corgi-petting was the second meeting.  Hmm...anyway check out the shoes? 

dress- thrifted; shirt- thrifted/gap; black shirt- China; shoes- Converse; necklace- childhood/scholastic;  skull bracelet- street fair; flower bracelet- "antique" shop
One thing I wanted to do with this was mix girly and tomboy (hence the converse and plaid shirt). I added the sleeveless, sheer black shirt to add some shape/ subtract some frumpiness from the dress but that didn't really work out as well. I found the necklace over October break.  In elementary school, they were selling this as a package with this book about a girl who studies dolphins.  I bought the package because I wanted the necklace, thus starting a short-lived obsession with dolphins.  Hooray for materialistic whims!
P.S. Did you notice that my black ankle boots and that floral jacket are in every single fucking outfit so far.  And those goddamn bracelets.  Yeah, I don't overuse over-love jewelry/accessories/articles of clothing.  At all. 

sweater- gap; skirt- thrifted; shoes- flea market; ring- flea market; skull necklace- new age and wiccan place/ the dreaming goddess; necklace- street fair;  skull bracelet- street fair; flower bracelet- "antique" shop
Again, organization meet resolution.  I got really excited about this sweater because it reminded me of my book of vintage Fruits snaps.  Thus it's my Fruits-circa-1990s sweater.  Also, this skirt, when worn right, makes me feel like a pretty fairy. 

Wow that's a lot of visual input.  I should try doing less of these recaps and actually post outfits on time.  Yeah. That sounds like a good plan.  Why didn't I think of that sooner?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The beginning of the end

Screen shots from Ouran Host Club ep 2, Paprika, Volver
Happy (or unhappy  if you believe in Mayan calendars and Nostradamus) 2012! Sorry for the unintentional 2 month hiatus. Being a PC person for most of my life, it took me a while figure out how to upload pictures onto my macbook.  It wasn't until yesterday that I found ou that I actually *could* upload pictures using an adapter that I thought was outdated. Whoops!

These pictures were taken a week ago when I spent new years eve at a friends house.  I was addicted to taking pictures of movies on her PS3 projector because I felt so ~*~*~artsy fartsy~*~*~*.

Anyway, I'm not going to put up my entire new years resolution because it's way too long and a bit too private.  But, I can tell you this:
1) Blog more: this blog will not die, this blog will not die
2) Be more concise: this is both for the blog and college (ha ha nerd)
3) Be more confident: this is a hundred and ten percent necessary.

So, congrats for making it to 2012!  Hopefully we can all survive the apocalypse!

Monday, October 31, 2011

They took my face!

This is surreptitiously Halloween-related, and by "surreptitiously" I mean "I'm going to bs this so I can morph it into something Halloween-related".  Apparently this music video is big in Japan and I can see why: it's addicting.  Like candy. CANDY (which is Halloween-related because kids like to invade you property so they can get pillowcases full of candy)(and by kids, I mean me)(nah I'm kidding: correge students are too busy for trick-er-treating).  Not only it's a catchy song but this music video's producers thought it was an ingenious idea to shove everything cute into one 4+ min video.  Or, if it's creepy or something, like a skull or Jason's hockey mask (look at 2:57!), then add some girly colors to the motherfucker and it will become ~*~*~kawaii~*~*~.  And, you can't say that faceless dancer isn't creepy. Dude, even if she's pink like a flamingo overdosing on cotton candy, she has no face.  NO FACE.  SOMETHING TOOK HER FACE. (justin!).  Somehow it worked: every little girl and everyone who wished they were a little creepy girl (e.g. me) wished they had everything in that video.  I mean, there are unicorns. everywhere.

Anyway, a few minutes ago, I had the strangest urging to re-watch this again.  Upon watching it, I had an epiphany: I should've been this video for Halloween.  Because I definitely have eyeball print pants and/or gloves and hair long enough to put into perky pigtails (lies! denial! pizza!).  But, it's an addition to my list of things I should next year (because I *should* plan a year before because I'm not a loser who didn't know what the fuck to be this year).  Additionally, it has also been added to my inspiration list.  Kistchy? Yes! Cavity-inducing sweet? Yes!  Whilst creepy? YES.  Any corny macabre/"edgy" (blegh) references? YES. YES. YES.

I'm going to jet so I can post before the witching hour ends/before Hallow's eve is over.  Dammit.  I should have referred to witches and not sugary Japanese music videos.  Oh well!

Happy Halloween!
P.S. It was once showcased as one of thedailywhat's lights out features

Friday, October 28, 2011

So don't go breaking my heart

Hello again! It's been awhile.  I'm back in college being a lame college student.  But, before I go out to look for something to do and not be a *lame* college kid, I decided I should put up a post.  I like this editorial because it's got that almost nauseating, kitschy, cotton candy quality, but as menswear, with the mix of some good old grunge.  And I love the corny punk references.  I can't get enough corny punk references.  (moral of the story: I'm not original).  

Anyhow, Halloween's coming and I'm excited because I want to buy all the decorations and utilize them in everyday life.  Except I have to consider my roommate so a skull here and a mini skeleton there should suffice.  Hopefully.  Anyway (disclaimer: I say anyway/anyhow/anyhoo a lot), I'm planning to make something Halloween related if anything comes up. Apparently college kids like to get wasted on Halloween?  I don't know because I'm a freshman/ nerd school alumnus/nae/ni (I can never get this right).  But, I like Halloween too much to be intoxicated during the wondrous festivities.  No, not parties, jello shots, and condoned costume sex (?)  but horror movie marathons, haunted houses, and candy overdose.  And scaring people.  Yeah that.  I mean I do that on a normal daily basis but the Halloween season is the only time it seems to be condoned. Unless you're Japanese

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Your bathroom has candy dispensers? And strangely muscular robotic horse men?

This week I've been on October break, which, when event-less, creates laziness and lethargy. Broken macbook screens create tedious technical difficulties.  Thus, here is a short review of this week's more notable outfits:

bolero- thrifted; dress- lord and taylor; boots- tj maxx; sunglasses- mom's old; necklaces- nearby antique store, found, street fair; bracelet- college "flea market"; backpack- gift
I wore this last Tuesday when I visited my high school (aren't I sweet?).  This is probably the first time I wore it and I was very excited about it.  It's (kinda) like stain glass windows; I felt like a walking cathedral (that saint bracelet was appropriate wasn't it?).  This lady, who I used to hate/feud with, welcomed me and complimented me on my jacket.  I'm feeling uncomfortably ambivalent about this because, even though I was glad someone appreciated the jacket, it was a compliment from an old nemesis.  It felt awkward and surreal.

 tank top- urban outfitters; shirt- thrifted; jeans- Matthew Williamson for H&M; ankle boots- H&M; necklace- dreaming goddess/store near campus, found in house; bracelets- flea market, souvenir shop
After watching Pretty in Pink for the very first time, which I had mixed reviews for, I was trying to channel Duckie.  Is it just me or does the Duck Man creates such perfect harmony between awkwardly/expertly juxtaposed prints, blazers, bolo ties, and costume store glasses?

all from Pretty in Pink
And I guess Andie is cool too. But I digress:

Sorry. Is too much of my teenage bedroom showing? Even though it's organized by my mom (she doesn't seem to understand the concept of not touching my shit) everything is very personal.  Too bad that I have to leave all these items here; my college dorm is way too crowded already. Anyway:

skirt- thrifted; sweater- target; tights- gifted/ anthropologie; clogs- steve madden/ loehmann's; hat- thrifted
This outfit shall be dubbed the awkward-library-outfit because I obviously wore this awkwardly while going on a trip to the library ha ha.  Except I didn't originally wear the hat (my hair was too oily to be be shown) and I originally wore punkrose, star print canvas sneakers.  I like mixing girly things (i.e. this skirt) with tomboyish things (i.e. sneakers)...I should do that more often.  Anyway, I wore this because I wanted to actually use the skirt since I took the effort of bringing it home.  Note the transition from bedroom to garage like a scene change from really bad horror movie or something.  Also note that I tried to do the same pose and how that makes it worse

Instead of blogging and watching vintage cartoons (i.e She-Ra and Bravestarr)  (the animation and concepts are really hilarious to me)(I mean, when He-man transforms, his shirt and tights disappear! And She-Ra's unicorn has a demonic voice!)(Did that robotic horse randomly become a robotic horse-man?), I should sleep. Yeah, I should really go to sleep.
what did you say boy? Sleep? Pfft Sleep is for the weak!